Celebrating NTTD and Two New Trails!

by August 28, 2019


An Eventful Weekend!

Trail TRACKers and families all across the nation went out on August 24 to celebrate National TRACK Trails Day! Despite some rainy weather in the east coast regions, a great time was had by everyone who went out to hike, bike, or play disc golf on our many TRACK Trails! Whether you visited your favorite TRACK Trail location or were able to attend one of the many NTTD events that day, we're so glad you went out to TRACK the Trails with us! We extend our thanks to all our Trail TRACKers, their friends and families, and to all of our partners who made August 24th a phenomenal day! We're already looking forward to what next year's National TRACK Trails Day might have in store!

Be sure to register the hikes you completed during the National TRACK Trails Day weekend to receive a special sticker in the mail! And continue to share your adventures with us on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram using #NationalTRACKTrailsDay and #TRACKtheTrails!


Two New Trails!

Alongside celebrating National TRACK Trails Day, we also inducted two new TRACK Trails into our network! Kids can now TRACK new adventures in Virginia and South Dakota!


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Rocky Knob Picnic Area on
the Blue Ridge Parkway, Virginia

A little rain didn't slow down these visitors as they traveled along the Blue Ridge Parkway to the Rocky Knob Picnic Area! And after officially opening the trail, hikers got to explore the forest behind the picnic area using some of KIP's classic brochures. Visitors were also encouraged to visit Mabry Mill, just 7-miles down the road, for a special TRACK Trail brochure that explores the historic mill with Ed and Lizzie Mabry.




Osprey Trail in Black Hills National ForestImage removed.
South Dakota

The Osprey Trail was luckier with the weather, having a sunny morning to introduce our latest addition in South Dakota. Kids and families that day got to check out the new KIP activities for the trial, including a new “Birds of the Black Hills” brochure. After the ribbon-cutting, our new Trail TRACKers went on a hike, exploring the natural riches of the Black Hills and looking out over Pactola Lake. The lake is a favorite hunting ground for ospreys and bald eagles, with views that offer the chance to see soaring and swooping birds of prey.




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Even as we close an exciting summer of milestones crossed and trails opened, we still have one more special offering before we enter the fall. Kids in Parks t-shirts are again available for a limited time in our Bonfire store. In honor of KIP's anniversary on August 29, you'll be able to order a shirt through September 6th! So don't miss out! Click the button below to see our store at Bonfire!


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