Trail TRACKers of the Month - Anouk, Hanni, Poppy, and Esme

by June 15, 2022


We are so proud of our Trail TRACKers, and that's why we like to recognize those who go out of their way to explore our trails. Each month, we honor at least one of these special explorers with the title of Trail TRACKer (or TRACKers) of the Month.


Meet Trail TRACKers of the Month 

Anouk, Hanni, Poppy, and Esme

Who have TRACKed 58 Adventures with Kids in Parks!


What's your favorite TRACK Trail? Why?

"Morrow Mountain - There were lots of fun things to do.

Hogtown Headwaters - We looked for mushrooms and that was fun."


What's your favorite TRACK Trail brochure adventure?

"Nature's Hide and Seek, Fun with Fungi, and Animal Athletes. It's fun to look for different things."


What's the most exciting wildlife you've ever seen on a TRACK Trail?

"Can't think of anything on Track Trails other than some really cool fungi but we have seen alligators, wild pigs, baby raccoons, and then loads of amazingly beautiful birds like Belted Kingfishers, Eastern Screech Owls, and Barred Owls."


What's the longest hike you've ever done?

"18 miles!"


What's the coolest trail experience you've ever had?

“Playing in a creek on Grandfather Mountain in NC." - Anouk

"Hiking to the top of Big Kennesaw Mountain in Georgia. We saw lots of deer." - Hanni

"Getting all of our rain gear on to go to the top of Cadillac Mountain in Acadia National Park in Maine. It was so foggy we could hardly see." - Poppy

"Running along Gumbo Limbo Trail in Everglades National Park, Florida, and being really silly." - Esme


If you could go for a hike anywhere in the world, where would it be?

“England" - Anouk

"Antarctica" - Hanni 

"Colorado" - Poppy 

"England" - Esme


Do you have any hiking tips for other Trail TRACKers?

“Always wear sunscreen." - Anouk

"Be prepared." - Hanni

"Always bring sunscreen, an extra set of clothes, a hat, a rain jacket, food, and plenty of water." - Poppy

"Bring lots of food!" - Esme


Check out these Trail TRACKers' favorite Kids in Parks places and activities!

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