Trail TRACKers of the Month: Michael & Jacob

by November 2, 2023

Meet the Trail TRACKers of October


Who have TRACKed 12 Adventures with Kids in Parks!


What's your favorite TRACK Trail? Why?

  • Michael: "I love Hanging Rock State Park because of all the waterfalls! But I love Hungry Mother State Park too because the scenery is really pretty. The trail goes right next to a lake with the mountains behind it."
  • Jacob: "Lake Daniel Park because it has a playground at one end of the trail!"

What's your favorite TRACK Trail brochure adventure?

  • Michael: "Birds of the Piedmont because the drawings are really cool and you learn a lot about birds, which I love!"
  • Jacob: "Animal Athletics because I love running and pretending to be different animals."

What's the most exciting wildlife you've ever seen on a TRACK Trail?

  • Michael: "We saw painted turtles sunbathing and a black snake swimming at Eno River State Park, but we also found green anoles at Hammocks Beach State Park which were cool to see up close. "
  • Jacob: "Seeing the wild horses at Grayson Highlands. (not on the TRACK Trail though)"

What's the longest hike you've ever done?

  • Michael & Jacob: "We have biked 9 miles as a family along the greenway near our house - Jacob sits in the bike trailer for those long trips. For hiking, it would be Hungry Mother's Molly's Knob Trail (3.8 miles/984 feet elevation gain) officially, but we think we hiked over 4 miles while at Grayson Highlands because of all the off trail exploring we did."

What's the coolest trail experience you've ever had?

  • Michael & Jacob: "Mount Rogers/Grayson Highlands with the wild ponies! They are not shy and come up to you and try to steal your food!"

If you could go for a hike anywhere in the world, where would it be?

  • Michael: "Mount Everest to look for Yetis!"
    Jacob: "Anywhere as long as it's with my family!"

Do you have any hiking tips for other Trail TRACKers?

  • Michael & Jacob: "Bring a pack with food and water, wear thick socks and good shoes for long hikes, and always be looking out for cool things!"


Check out their favorite TRACK Trail!