- Adventure Stories
- Celebrate #OneMillionTRACKs with Kids in Parks!
Celebrate #OneMillionTRACKs with Kids in Parks!
Kids in Parks has reached an awesome milestone: one million adventures have been completed on our TRACK Trails! And to celebrate, we'll be dedicating the first week of June (June 1st through June 8th) to showing how much we appreciate your support and seeing the adventures you take with Track and Kip! We'll also be launching a limited-time T-shirt fundraiser through Bonfire (scroll down, or click the links for more information), where all proceeds from the fundraiser will help fund prizes for the next one million Trail TRACKers!
Engagement with the outdoors is so important! Not only for our health, but also for the health of our parks and other public lands. And in a time where children have become increasingly disconnected with nature, spending less time outdoors and more time interacting with electronic media, it is great to see so many Trail TRACKers going out on the trails, being active, and even sharing their adventures with their friends!

Since Kids in Parks began, we have installed over 100 TRACK Trails in North Carolina with significant support from the Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina Foundation. Other foundations, organizations, and land management agencies have also supported us to help install more than 80 additional trails in 11 states and Washington, D.C. In fact, in just a matter of days, we'll be opening trails in our 12th state, Oregon! Which will make all three west coast states a part of our network of trails! And with several new trails opening in just the month of June alone, we're getting very close to installing our 200th TRACK Trail!
Join the fun!
Beginning June 1st, on National Trails Day, we will be celebrating this one million milestone through social media, highlighting some of the many ways that our Trail TRACKers have utilized the trails! You can celebrate this acheivment with us by not only staying tuned to our blog, but also by visiting your favorite TRACK Trails and showing off your adventures through Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook.
Use #OneMillionTRACKs, #TRACKtheTrails or #KidsInParks in your posts!
Our campaign will last until June 8th, which happens to be National Get Outdoors Day! But the fun doesn't have to end there. Feel free to use these hashtags throughout the summer, or anytime you want us to know where you've been and what awesome things you've done with Kids in Parks! We also have quite a few trail openings during the month of June, including during both Saturdays of this celebration!
Wear your support!
Also starting June 1st we will be launching a T-shirt campaign! This will be a chance for you to wear your support of the Kids in Parks program while you “TRACK the trails." Whether you were a part of our first one million, or will be apart of our next, you can add one of three fun Kids in Parks shirts to your hiking apparel and let everyone know that you hike, bike, paddle, or play disc golf with Kids in Parks!