Haw River State Park - Iron Ore Pit Trail - Mini
6068 N Church St
Greensboro, NC 27455
United States

Difficulty: Easy
Terrain: Dirt/Natural
- Restrooms
- Picnic Tables
- Leashed Pets Allowed

The Animales Atletas/Animal Athletes adventure challenges kids to exercise with the animals. This bilingual brochure gives kids eight different animal exercises they can do along the trail, written in both English and Spanish. From hummingbird hand-swings to lizard pushups, kids are sure to have fun getting in shape with the animals during their outdoor adventures.
TRACK your Adventure
Dragonflies can be seen across the world soaring and swooping over ponds, rivers, and marshes. On this adventure, discover the diverse world of dragonflies.
TRACK your Adventure
Ready to investigate the world of creeping and crawling critters? On this adventure, recognize the differences between insects, spiders, and other arthropods.
TRACK your Adventure
Creeks and streams are some of the most dynamic environments on earth. On this adventure, explore how a creek supports life and transforms its surroundings.
TRACK your Adventure
All ecosystems need organisms that help break down dead matter. On this adventure, learn about decomposers and scavengers and how they benefit the environment.
TRACK your Adventure
Ferns are an ancient family of plants and thousands of species exist. On this adventure, follow the illustrations and clues to find a few ferns on your hike.
TRACK your Adventure
Do you know what a lichen is?! On this adventure, learn how lichen are created by algae and fungi coming together and how to identify the three types of lichen.
TRACK your Adventure
It may not look like it, but ponds are overflowing with life! On this adventure, discover some common pond residents and who is a producer versus a consumer.
TRACK your Adventure
Rivers "grow" into different stages of life much like humans age. On this adventure, take note of common characterists used to classify each stage of a river.
TRACK your Adventure
Have you ever wanted to copy an animal's movement? On this adventure, follow along with the animal exercises on the pages and enjoy getting some energy out.
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Ready to investigate the world of creeping and crawling critters? On this adventure, recognize the differences between insects, spiders, and other arthropods.
Start your e-Adventure
Do you kow what lichen is?! On this adventure, learn how lichen are created by algae and fungi coming together and how to identify the three types of lichen.
Start your e-Adventure
Everything in nature is connected in some way, including you! On this adventure, uncover how dependent relationships are on one another within an ecosystem.
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