McNary Lock & Dam
82790 Devore Rd
Umatilla, OR 97882
United States

- Restrooms
- Canoe / Kayak
- Picnic Tables
- Fishing
- Disc Golf
- Picnic Area
- Shelter/Pavilion
- Leashed Pets Allowed
- Visitor Information

¡Hay cosas nuevas que descubrir en la naturaleza todos los días! En esta aventura, explore sus alrededores y encuentre cosas que a menudo se pasan por alto.
TRACK your Adventure
It may not look like it, but ponds are overflowing with life! On this adventure, discover some common pond residents and who is a producer versus a consumer.
TRACK your AdventureFive species of salmon live in the North Pacific waters. On this adventure, discover the unique life of salmon, travelling from the river to the sea and back.
TRACK your Adventure
Flowing water has the ability to carve canyons, dig river valleys, and power communities. On this adventure, learn about a hydroelectric dam's innerworkings.
TRACK your Adventure
From ranger-led hikes to fishing events, many TRACK Trail sites offer public programs. Submit your own adventure from a park program or Junior Ranger activity here!
TRACK your Adventure
Let's see what we can discover today! On this adventure, explore your surroundings and use this checklist to find common things often overlooked in nature.
Start your e-Adventure
Birds are an important part of our ecosystem. On this adventure, learn to identify several birds in the area through illustrations, field markings, and calls.
Start your e-AdventureTRACK Trail made possible by