Roger Jordan Community Park
1005 SE Lacreole Dr
Dallas, OR 97338
United States

- Restrooms
- Playground
- Picnic Tables
- Bike Trail

¿Alguna vez has querido copiar el movimiento de un animal? En esta aventura utiliza tu imaginación y muévete con los ejercicios de los animales en las paginas
TRACK your Adventure
Creeks and streams are some of the most dynamic environments on earth. On this adventure, explore how a creek supports life and transforms its surroundings.
TRACK your Adventure
Trees play a vital role in their environment and in the lives of people and animals. On this adventure, learn to identify six common trees found in the area.
TRACK your Adventure
¡Hay cosas nuevas que descubrir en la naturaleza todos los días! En esta aventura, explore sus alrededores y encuentre cosas que a menudo se pasan por alto.
TRACK your Adventure
From ranger-led hikes to fishing events, many TRACK Trail sites offer public programs. Submit your own adventure from a park program or Junior Ranger activity here!
TRACK your Adventure
Have you ever wanted to copy an animal's movement? On this adventure, follow along with the animal exercises on the pages and enjoy getting some energy out.
Start your e-Adventure
Birds are an important part of our ecosystem. On this adventure, learn to identify several birds in the area through illustrations, field markings, and calls.
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Let's see what we can discover today! On this adventure, explore your surroundings and use this checklist to find common things often overlooked in nature.
Start your e-Adventure
Shinrin-yoku, or Forest Bathing, is the act of being fully present in the woods. On this adventure, immersive yourself in nature by engaging all your senses.
Start your e-AdventureTRACK Trail made possible by