#ThankfulThursday - Our State Parks

by November 12, 2020

For another #ThankfulThursday, we want to recognize our state parks partners.    


In 1939, Thomas W. Morse, superintendent to North Carolina State Parks, wrote this in the Basic Purpose of State Parks. “I believe state parks have but ONE basic purpose. That one basic purpose is: TO SERVE PEOPLE.” And how do state parks serve people? In summary, Morse listed these four ways: 


1. By preserving and protecting natural areas of unique or exceptional scenic value. Not only for the present generation but for generations to come. 


2. By providing opportunities for recreational use of natural resources, outdoor recreation, and outdoor living in natural surroundings. This includes opportunities for hiking, camping, fishing, boating, swimming, picnics, etc.


3. By portraying and explaining plant, life animal life, geology, and all other natural features in the state park system. With ever-dwindling natural resources, this service is very important, because a knowledgeable public is essential for the smart use of natural resources. 


4. By preserving, protecting, and portraying historic and scientific areas of state-wide importance. State parks preserve the physical aspects of the state's history and the historical events connected with them. Morse says, “it is always important to thus keep our historical heritage before us because ‘the past is prologue.'”


To honor our state parks systems, look below, and plan a visit to any of these state parks in North Carolina, South Dakota, and Virginia where you can find a TRACK Trail! We also have trails coming soon in South Carolina State Parks! 


North Carolina


South Dakota

