Trail TRACKer of the Month: Weston

by Meghan McDevitt, July 10, 2024

TTOM Weston cover photo

Meet the Trail TRACKer of July


Who has TRACKed 12 Adventures with Kids in Parks!


What's your favorite TRACK Trail? Why?

  • Weston: "My favorite trail would be Table Rock State Park, I love walking by the creek and playing in the water."

What's your favorite TRACK Trail brochure adventure?

  • Weston: "My favorite brochure adventure is Table Rock's Nature's Hide & Seek" (Parent Comment: "He loves looking for the items and will yell and get super happy when he finds one.")

What's the most exciting wildlife you've ever seen on a TRACK Trail?

  • Weston: "The most exciting wildlife I've seen are a few snakes on the trails. I would not get close to them to bother them but would sit back and observe them."

What's the longest adventure you've been on?

  • Weston: "My longest hike was 2 miles and they were both at Table Rock State Park and The Palmetto Trail in South Carolina."

What's the coolest trail experience you've ever had?

  • Weston: "The coolest experience was Table Rock - that was one of the stops on our ultimate outsider parks to visit."

If you could go for a hike anywhere in the world, where would it be?

  • Weston: "If I could hike a trail anywhere in the world it would be the Appalachian Trail."

Do you have any hiking tips for other Trail TRACKers?

  • Weston: "Drink lots of water and bring bug spray."


Table Rock State Park

TTOM Weston hiking