Trail TRACKers of the Month: Haley & Lucas

by Meghan McDevitt, October 31, 2024

Meet the Trail TRACKers of October

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Haley & Lucas

Who have TRACKed 15 Adventures with Kids in Parks!


What's your favorite TRACK Trail? Why?

What's your favorite TRACK Trail brochure adventure?

  • Both: "Hikin' to Find Lichen is our favorite brochure because we liked the silly story of Freddy Fungi, and it helped us spot some cool lichen on our hike."

What's the most exciting wildlife you've ever seen on a TRACK Trail?

  • Both: "At the J. Bayard Clark Park TRACK Trail, we found a Luna Moth - it was dead on the trail so we got to pick it up and examine it."

What's the longest adventure you've been on?

What's the coolest trail experience you've ever had?

  • Both: "At the Sky Meadows State Park, we got to use telescopes and see lasers in the sky on Astronomy Night." Haley adds: "And we went on a sensory hike there led by a Master Naturalist who showed us a certain kind of clover that is safe to eat, and some cool mushrooms.. but never eat any plants without an adult's approval!"

If you could go for a hike anywhere in the world, where would it be?

  • Lucas: "We'd like to hike in Florida because I like palm trees and can hike with my grandparents."

Do you have any tips for other Trail TRACKers?

  • Haley: "We should all Leave No Trace - you can bring a bag to pick up trash as you go along."
  • Lucas: "Check for ticks and watch out for Poison Ivy!"
  • Mom: "On family road trips, we try to make pit stops to stretch our legs at TRACK Trails - it turns long car trips into an adventure! We play 'I Spy' while we walk, pointing out interesting things we observe… we move pretty slowly, taking lots of pauses to explore and enjoy the journey." 


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