Educator Files


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TRACK Trails are the perfect choice for field trips. All locations are chosen to provide an easy, short adventure for all ages. The self-guided brochures help school groups easily learn about the environment they are in while providing fun, engaging activities for children. 

Please do not register your students through a teacher account (use this permission slip form instead). Kids in Parks would prefer that the kids register through their personal email account (or parent's email account) as opposed to a teacher or group leader email due to the following reasons: 

  1. We would prefer to have the parent’s permission for the kids to be registered in the program; and
  2. When the child graduates to another class, or wants to participate in the program outside of the group setting, they won’t have access to their account if their account is housed under a group email address that they do not have log-in information for. It is very difficult for Kids in Parks to separate accounts after the fact, so the child would have to start over if they wanted to continue participating in the Kids in Parks TRACK Trails program.

Send the permission slip home with your students or group members to get permission to create individual accounts for the kids using a parent's email.

Download Permission Slip


Interested in seeing whether certain brochures meet your state's curriculum. Check out our North Carolina Standards Guide for our most popular TRACK Trail brochures.