Summer TRACKtivities

"Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass under trees on a summer's day, listening to the murmur of the water, or watching the clouds float across the sky, is by no means a waste of time." - Sir John Lubbock

Summer is a wonderful time to get outside. The trails are alive with rich colors and sounds - from blooming flowers to insects galore. These TRACKtivities are perfect for getting outside this time of year, and kids will learn about nighttime wonders, the science behind storms, and sounds of the season.
Father and son walking in the woods


Animal Athletes TRACKtivity

Animal Athletes

Kid-friendly exercise inspired by animals!

Bug-Hunting Bats TRACKtivity
Dazzling Dragonflies TRACKtivities
Fantastic Fireflies TRACKtivity
Freed by Fire TRACKtivity

Freed by Fire

Learn about ecosystems that need wildfires to survive.

How Does Lightning Work? TRACKtivity
Oak-ie Dokie TRACKtivity
Outdoor Orchestra TRACKtivity

Outdoor Orchestra

The summer air is filled with a symphony of sounds. Go out and listen!

What Do You Lichen? TRACKtivity
Word Search Safari TRACKtivity